Donations and tipping

Donations and tipping in the cryptocurrency world refer to the practice of giving small amounts of cryptocurrency to others as a form of recognition or appreciation for their contributions. This can take place in a variety of contexts, including online…


Cryptocurrency lending refers to the practice of lending out your cryptocurrency assets to borrowers in exchange for interest payments. Cryptocurrency lending platforms allow individuals to lend their digital assets to borrowers, who use the funds to trade or invest in…


An airdrop is a marketing strategy used by blockchain and cryptocurrency projects to distribute their tokens to a large number of users for free or at a reduced cost. Airdrops are often used as a way to build a community…


Cryptocurrency mining is the process of participating in the consensus mechanism of a blockchain network to validate transactions and earn rewards in the form of new coins. The mining process involves solving complex mathematical problems, known as “proof-of-work” (PoW), to…

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